Bottom line, Roy brought:
Thermal pants ("Gatkes", as they are known in Israel)
Thermal shirts
Flees jackets
Mosquito head nets
wool socks (non of us wear them in Israel)
ACR life jacket strobes (a strong emergency lamp)
And now to the more interesting stuff (the big boys' toys):
Each one got a "suunto- Vector" watch.!-2115131320!168075286!7005!8005!722314813!168075285!7005!8005&CONTENT%3C%3Ecnt_id=10134198673939673&bmUID=1219538712967
Basically, it's a wrist watch with a few extras. While being away, we will need to be fully aware to every change in the weather. We will be supported by Karel
But will need to learn to "feel" changes as it occurs. So the Vector has a built in barometer, to indicate every drop of atmospheric pressure that could mean a deteriorating weather.
Another feature the watch has is the compass. An

Why extra? We will need the kayak compasses
(also by Suunto)- Kayak compass is much easier to track then the wrist watch compass.
Another nice gadget is the MSR water treatment system:
The MSR HyperFlow Microfilter is smaller then the average bicycle pump, so even though I believe we won't be using it, (in some areas of southern Patagonia the rain don't stop) we prefer having it with us then having to use chemical water treatment.

One last thing…
Each of us is going to use an I-COM M34 VHF.

it's a floatable, water resistant VHF transceiver. We will attach the device to our life vests, for emergency, for weather reports, and for sending our position to the Chilean Armada.
We are still short of gear that didn't arrive by mail and we will get it later on.
Meanwhile, there is still a lot of work on the physical preperations aspect… more of that next. time.