Thursday, 22 January 2009


The last few days, since our friends left Puerto Eden, they have been flying south, paddling 50-65 km. days. It’s a combination of their bodies that have gotten much stronger and comfortable in that climate, the scenery that has become home to their eyes, and the nice big Ikilos Werner paddles , plus they have the tide and wind with them all making the engine go, go, go.
Yesterday they reached the magnificent Amalia glacier, the last glacier of the south Patagonia ice field that they will be visiting.It was very disappointing for them to see how much smaller this glacier was, not at all like it shows on their maps. The glacier is 50 km. away (as the crew flies) from the famous Torres del Paine National Park.

They put up camp right by the carving glacier so we can only imagine how cold it is at the moment. From the pictures it seems they are living in their REED clothing to keep worm.
They are now about 250 km. away from the next resupply point, at Porto Natales.
Here are some more pictures for mom and dad that have been mentioning to me how much they miss their suns.

some of the pictures refer to previous experiences along the way.

About Us

Roy Shatzki-(27) an air force officer, traveler and sea paddler. Lives in kibutz Regavim. On Arnon-(32) an engineer, outdoor instructor, and sea paddler. Lives in kibutz Gaaton in the north of Israel. Yosale Dror- (28)- sea kayak instructor at Optimist kayak club in Sdot Yam, student of Psychology, lives in kibutz Nahsholim.