Still in Puerto Natales. A few more pictures....
we also changing the title picture of the blog. the last one was taken in
alaska on Optimst trip in June 08. since alaska is pretty far, we chose that picture, taken by On on one of the narrow passages in a narrow channel.
that one was taken is San Rafael, from outside our tent.

that was the day after. crossing the land strech called Istmo De Ofqui. partly in that way-

and partly that way.

about 1.6 miles, untill we got into Rio Negro, the black river that took us the next 20 km to the ocean. amzing vast open strech of land, with San Rafael and San Quintin glaciers on the horizon.

found mint in many places. great for the tea, rice and lentills, fish stew and for the face`s skin...

from time to time, sand flies were so bad, we reduced skin exposure to the minimum, even while eating.

the worior`s rest.
seconds before Shatz took the opportunity to put a stick next to On`s ear.

finding a place with good parking spot is not always easy. in that campsite we were more expereinced with the tides, and expected the water to reach just to the tent`s entrance.
and so it did. when we left, the 2009 tide tables addition was not available yet. later on, the guys from the Armada coppied the relevant tide tables for us.

finding a dry place to ¨park¨ the dirty underwear is also very important while changing clothes. as u can see, the coocking set is a perfect platform.

narrow and remote passage at the entrance to Golfo De Pennas

making waves

using the lederman for cutting the mustash and the fish in less then 24 hours (in the wrong order) wasn`t such a good idea.

hand shake?

worming up, after 9 hours on the water without landing spots.

Puerto Eden, after looking in the mirror.

bible lesson, sunday afternoon, Puerto Eden peer.

Roy is writing in Angosturae Inglesa guest book. the statue is on the northern entrance to a narrow passage about 10 km north of Pto Eden. strong tidal currents on a buetifull day took us to Pto Eden verry fast and happy.

puerto natales, celebrating the new looks.
we`ll keep you updated about the mustashes.